Giving up

I was planning on testing KDE as my only desktop environment for two months. It hasn't even been one month and I just had to give up. Everything was just too difficult to do in KDE. I tried Kubuntu and Fedora KDE spin, but mostly it was just KDE problems.

So I installed Ubuntu 13.04 on my desktop machine and got an almost orgasmic experience. I really hadn't even realised how difficult and awkward everything was in KDE before I switched back. I don't really like the fact that they are removing settings and features from gnome/nautilus/unity, but Unity really does work a lot better.

What got to me most in Fedora/KDE was that when something didn't work, and I googled it, I got threads from 2009 where people had the same problem, and the same bugs where still unresolved. As a developer I recognise this problem, it's just something the developers and power users get used to and never bother fixing, but it's not really something that instil confidence in the product.

I'm still running KDE on my laptop for the time being, but I'm not sure for how long. I was expecting a vibrant developer community, and lots of power users that have solutions to the problems that you run into. Instead I mostly just got people with a "get used to it" mentality. It might be that there is some magic KDE distro out there where things work and everyone is happy, but I couldn't find it. And for the time being I just want to get stuff done on my computer. Maybe I'll try again in 2 or 3 years.

The whole experiment was not a total waste though. I really enjoy Unity a lot more now. Perhaps I should try to use Windows 8 as my main DE for a month or two. After that Unity would be pure heaven. :)