
Welcome to my blog. I'm trying to post things whenever I get inspired to write something. Sometimes it's more often, and sometimes not so much. The subject can vary quite a lot, but it tends to be mostly about tech.

I don't have any commenting enabled at the moment, because no one really comments anything except spammers, but if you have any thoughts on anything, feel free to email me at

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

Blog Posts

Password Managers


Anyone using online services in this day and age needs to remember lots of passwords. As is stated quite commonly, you should try to use a different hight quality password on each site / service. I'm sure most people have noticed by now that memorizing 150+ passwords is quite impossible. You can use...

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Semantic HTML and Accessibility


I've been looking into accessibility in web-design a bit lately and one of the things that keep popping up is to use semantic HTML. As long as you design your web-pages well, accessibility should be fairly good.

Firstly, one thing that is worth remembering about accessibility is that is for everyo...

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Fitness Trackers


Earlier this year I decided to get into shape, and thought that one way to help would be to get a fitness tracker. I’ve ended up buying quite a few of them for many different reasons, so I thought I would write a kind of semi-review of the ones I have tried. This is not meant to be an objective revi...

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Using Vagrant with your own CA


I don't usually write these howto articles, partially because I'm lazy, and partially because there is usually already an article explaining it better. But this time I created something fairly useful, and I haven't seen any tutorials about this exact way of doing it.

As we are increasingly living...

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Grav CMS


Since I tend to spend more time fiddling with my blog software than actually writing things, I decided to change the CMS software again. For quite a while I had been using Jekyll to power my blog, and I do technically like lot of things about Jekyll, but it's quite difficult to post in. For "normal users" it's almost impossible to use, but I noticed that not having a web backend was sometimes a problem for me as well. I am going to miss the speed of loading static pages though. :)

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Why you should probably use Firefox


A while back Google's Chrome took the number one spot in the browser market share worldwide. Chrome is definitely a very good browser, and it has been favoured by web developers for quite some time. There might be arguments made that it might be the best browser on the market. At least it seems to b...

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