
Welcome to my blog. I'm trying to post things whenever I get inspired to write something. Sometimes it's more often, and sometimes not so much. The subject can vary quite a lot, but it tends to be mostly about tech.

I don't have any commenting enabled at the moment, because no one really comments anything except spammers, but if you have any thoughts on anything, feel free to email me at

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

Blog Posts

Password Managers


Anyone using online services in this day and age needs to remember lots of passwords. As is stated quite commonly, you should try to use a different hight quality password on each site / service. I'm sure most people have noticed by now that memorizing 150+ passwords is quite impossible. You can use...

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Using Vagrant with your own CA


I don't usually write these howto articles, partially because I'm lazy, and partially because there is usually already an article explaining it better. But this time I created something fairly useful, and I haven't seen any tutorials about this exact way of doing it.

As we are increasingly living...

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Let's Encrypt


A while ago the Linux Foundation, EFF, Mozilla and many others started working on a project that would allow any website to enable TLS/SSL encryption. The idea behind the project is twofold, first to provide simple domain validation certificates free of charge, and secondly to make the proce...

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Salting Password Hashes


I have been thinking about writing a series of blog posts about security topics, and I figured I would start from the basics, with the concept of salting hashes.

I'm going to assume that you are all familiar with how hashing works, but just in case you are not, hashing is a cryptographic one way f...

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How the NSA betrayed the world's trust


This is a very good talk by Mikko Hyppönen. It puts a lot of things into perspective.

I know there are a lot of people that think that giving up privacy for protection against terrorism is a fair trade. And it's easy for me to speak, being from a count...

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