
Welcome to my blog. I'm trying to post things whenever I get inspired to write something. Sometimes it's more often, and sometimes not so much. The subject can vary quite a lot, but it tends to be mostly about tech.

I don't have any commenting enabled at the moment, because no one really comments anything except spammers, but if you have any thoughts on anything, feel free to email me at

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

Blog Posts

Semantic HTML and Accessibility


I've been looking into accessibility in web-design a bit lately and one of the things that keep popping up is to use semantic HTML. As long as you design your web-pages well, accessibility should be fairly good.

Firstly, one thing that is worth remembering about accessibility is that is for everyo...

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Some musings over Webapps


I have been spending a fair bit of time recently thinking about web-apps, what the difference is to a website, and how one should be designed.

The concept of web applications are not new. When I started in the business in 2000, it said "Application Designer" on my business card. As soon as you cou...

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Programming with HTML5


For a very long time now I have been planning to update my old list webapp.

I made the original maybe 5 years ago, before I found Wunderlist and other list apps. The original app was a very simple php server/client, no ajax app. And even though I have tried other apps along the years, it has serve...

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Browsers, browsers.


I've been using Firefox as my main browser for the last 6 months, but I recently decided to try out Chrome again as my desktop Firefox was getting a bit slow and buggy. (I was running the Aurora build, which might have something to do with it.) I just thought it would be a good idea to try out chrom...

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