Some clarifications

I noticed that my last post about Android might have come of as a little too hostile towards Android and Google. I really am a quite happy Android user/developer, and my next phone will most probably be an Android as well. If I ever buy a tablet, it will probably be an Android. I use Googles services a lot and I think they are quite good.

My point was merely that I like to be cautious about getting too dependent on closed systems. When I felt Googles stuff was all open, or at least heading that way as soon as they could figure it out, I had very few reservations about using them exclusively. Now I like to keep my options open. I now treat Google the same as I do Facebook, Microsoft and Apple, I weigh their usefulness against the dangers of losing privacy and getting dependent on a service that might disappear at any point.

That being said Android really blows the competition out of the water. At least if you use the "Nexus" version of Android. All the skinned ones just make it worse. (maybe a topic for a later rant)