Why I will not buy a Samsung phone next time.

So, I got a Samsung Galaxy Nexus phone about a year and a half ago. I like most things about it, I like the oled screen, it's fast enough for my use, even today, I like it's nexusness, it's open and it always gets the newest updates.

So why am I so mad at it that I will not only disawow it, but all Samsungs? Well because the build quality is shit. When I had had the phone for 4 months it's USB port broke down. It was a common error, lots of people had it. So I thought I would take it to the shop to get it fixed. I had printed out the exact description of the error along with schematics of what part should be replaced. A week later I get it back with a new factory image. I explained that I had already tried that about five times, but they insisted that it works now. So I used for a bout 6 hours until the same error appeared. So I took it back to the shop and got it back a week later with a new factory image. I explained that that was really stupid and I would like to get it fixed. The man explained that if it comes back a third time with the same problem it will be replaced, so I thanked the man and said that I will be back tomorrow with the same problem. I finally got it replaced, which was a bit of an overkill according to me, since it was a 10€ part that was broken.

The whole deal took about 3 weeks and cost me about 50€ in fuel costs, plus 3-4 hours of missed work that I had to make up after office hours. So I have used the phone quite happily since then, until yesterday when the same fucking port broke down. I'm so fucking happy, I still have 6 months left on the contract, and since my wife's phone also broke down a while ago, and she's using my old one, I don't even have a spare.

The next one will probably be a HTC, I've had two of them, and they could probably survive a nuclear war. In fact if my HTC Hero wasn't so damned old, I'd probably use that. It still works quite well.