World War Z

So I finally watched World War Z last night. I read the book a while ago and liked it, but I had heard that the movie wasn't really anything like the book. I had also heard it was a pretty horrible movie. They weren't completely wrong.

First I must say it was a lot better than I had expected, but that was only because I had expected a really horrible movie. As an adaptation of the book it was one of the worst ones I have ever seen. But I have long since learned not to think of book adaptations as book adaptations, but rather independent movies. They're usually a lot better that way.

As a zombie movie it was however also quite crappy. The zombies where ridiculous. Bitten people turned to zombies in 12 seconds, they leaped cars and jumped off buildings. There was simply no suspense in the movie. They tried to build up some suspenseful moments, but with all powerful zombies like that I always just get a feeling that whatever happens is what the screenwriters wrote in. There was no sense of cause and consequence.

It did have some merit as a apocalypse movie, and the visuals where quite good. I just don't understand the whole fad with fast zombies, they just aren't very scary at all.

If you happen to have two hours to kill and nothing else to watch this might be an ok way to kill some time, but otherwise it should be avoided. And if you are a book purist, you shouldn't even consider watching this.