
Welcome to my blog. I'm trying to post things whenever I get inspired to write something. Sometimes it's more often, and sometimes not so much. The subject can vary quite a lot, but it tends to be mostly about tech.

I don't have any commenting enabled at the moment, because no one really comments anything except spammers, but if you have any thoughts on anything, feel free to email me at

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

Blog Posts



I got myself one of them Chromecast last weekend. It was a part of my bigger entertainment strategy. For the longest time we haven't had a TV. For a while we had a basic Epson projector that served fairly well, but it was expensive to run both in electricity and the eventual lamp change, so when we...

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Some thoughts about Valves new stuff


We live in interesting times when it concerns video games. If we quickly re-cap the history of the computer game industry, for now ignoring the consoles, we get the following. First video games where made by "smaller" companies. The budget per game where usually in the thousands of dollars. The game...

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